Care, down-to-earthness, time and connection. To nature and people. The values of VIEBÖCK linen and ATTIÈL match each other.

Mindfulness and appreciation. For nature and for ourselves. This is what ATTIÈL combines in the cosmetics series made in Austria and we also attach importance to this when selecting our partners. When we were looking for suitable fabrics for our high-quality cosmetic bags, we found them at Vieböck Leinen in Mühlviertel, Upper Austria. “We don’t have to go back to naturalness, we never left.” This means that Vieböck hits exactly the point that is also important for us.
Passion for nature and the people at Vieböck
The quality of the materials immediately impressed us. Vieböck is the only linen weaving mill in the world to be certified with the organic quality mark GOTS (Global Organic Textile Standard) and IVN Best. This means not only compliance with ecological but also social requirements. All linen yarns come from Europe, all Vieböck fabrics are woven exclusively in the Mühlviertel in Upper Austria.
Noble, sustainable and handmade
The fine linen fabrics for our cosmetic bags come from Upper Austria and are processed in Vienna at NACHBARINNEN, a sewing workshop that supports and promotes women. A beautiful and harmonious symbiosis of values that are important to founder Annelies. The end product is beautiful and elegant cosmetic bags that you can enjoy for a long time. They are ideal as a gift, as a cosmetic bag for travel or as a pouch for small items in your handbag to avoid endless searching.
More about the sewing workshop NEIGHBOURS.